Artificial Intelligence is the Brave New Thing now. Well, actually, it is not that new, since we’ve been talking about it since the 1950’s. And maybe it’s not that wonderful as it is being advertised by some sources. Ironically enough, some such sources are using AI to create ads that promote the qualities of AI. Therefore, it’s not just some people advertising AI, it is also some AI advertising AI.
I was almost a victim of AI myself, as I was writing this piece. The automatic grammar/style checker (intelligent?) identified some expressions which it thought should be improved, according to its own stupid programming. This was created by people with their own writing style who are trying to take over the world of writing and impose their bland standards on everyone. Examples you will find in this text: “he was capable of doing” should be replaced by “he could”; “being absolutely powerful” should be replaced simply by “being powerful”, and “on a daily basis” should be replaced by “daily”.
Why? Simply because some programmers prefer concise language. If they had their way, we would all lose our personal way of expressing ourselves; we would all write like Chat GPT or some Grammarly-reviewed sheet. (Careful with that spellchecker, too!)
Improper usage of IT tools might lead us to lose our uniqueness and take us to an evil combination…